New reporting obligation for manufacturers to the European Commission
Article 19 of the F-gas regulation (EU) 517/2014
The new F-Gas Regulation (EU) no. 517/2014 provides in its article 19 that manufacturers of SF6-insulated electrical switchgear shall report to the European Commission about the usage of SF6 gas, starting on 31 March 2015 and annually thereafter. From a quantity of 500 t CO2 equivalents (corresponds to approx. 22 kg SF6) that they place onto the market each year with their products, they must report to the European Commission the respective number of items per product category and the amount of contained SF6. This means: unlike before, manufacturers must report considerably smaller quantities and disclose more detailed information concerning their products.
Operators of SF6-insulated switchgear do however not have to report to the European Commission about the usage of SF6. There shall only be a reporting obligation for energy providers importing or exporting quantities of SF6 gas of > 22 kg/year from/to outside the EU into/from the European Community, whether as gas in switchgear or as bulk product in cylinders or other containers.
For SF6 gas monitoring, i.e. for the registration of SF6 consumption volumes and the stock management of SF6 gas, DILO supplies different devices and software, which considerably facilitate stock management and preparation of the mass balance.
In addition, there is the option of preparation of used SF6 gas by means of DILO separation units. With this, SF6 gas mixtures (N2/air and/or CF4) up to a purity level of ≥ 99 % can be prepared, minimising costs for storage, disposal and transport.
DILO offers the preparation option also on a service base.
Do you have questions? We would be pleased to be at your service with further information. Contact us at sales(at) or use our contact form.