DILO- SF6 Leak Detection
DILO Company, Inc- Maintenance Equipment for SF6 Switchgear
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ow Much Does SF6 Gas Cost? DILO Company, Inc. Blog Post

Sulfur hexafluoride, commonly known as SF6 gas, is used in the electrical utility sector and other industries. Its properties, such as a chemically stable structure, high vapor density, and exceptional arc quenching abilities, make it well suited for insulation for medium and high-voltage electrical applications, but also healthcare, magnesium production, particle accelerators, and etching.

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DILO Inc. USA Team

DILO reached new heights in 2023 as we increased our employee headcount to 40, an all-time high for DILO USA!   Looking back only fifteen years, we had less than ten employees here at DILO; seeing our growth as we strive for success is an impressive achievement worth celebrating!

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Direct Connect

Direct Connect is a hardware that allows DILO technicians to remotely log into your equipment to troubleshoot any issues or even provide software updates. Learn all about this unique router and how it can help assist you!

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Comparison of Emission Rates for SF6 Gas

When it comes to medium and high voltage circuit breakers, there is no better electrical insulator than sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). Unfortunately, the same properties that make SF6 such a great insulating gas also make SF6 the most potent of all greenhouse gases. With the ever-growing challenges of federal & local reporting and a shift towards more eco-friendly practices, the industry is seeking ways to reduce SF6 emissions.

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Cylinders filled with DILO Certified SF6 Gas

Do you know where your SF6 gas comes from? Read on to learn more about sourcing reconditioned SF6 gas directly in America instead of overseas to save your company time and money while helping to reduce sulfur hexafluoride emissions.

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