Gas tight cutting device for metal gas compartments
For recovery of SF6 gas from firmly welded metallic gas compartments "sealed for life"
Gas tight cutting device for metal gas compartments
Gas tight cutting device with stud welding machine
Both models allow emission free, reliable recovery of SF6 gas inside metal gas compartments that have been sealed for life. When these breakers are decomissioned, the SF6 should be recovered and the breaker disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner.

In practice, the gas tight cutting device is to be mounted on and drilled into the housing of the circuit breaker to be disposed of. Next, it is possible to recover the SF6 gas contained in the circuit breaker by means of an appropriate service cart. The recovery device is equipped with a DN20 coupling so that the service cart can be connected easily. The large cross-section enables quick recovery of the SF6 gas. An integrated sinter filter prevents solid particles from entering the service cart during the recovery process.
The recovery device is a useful tool particularly for companies specialized in the disposal of GIS plants.
Other features:
- Self-closing DILO coupling DN20 with integrated sinter filter
- Operation of the hard metal cutter with accumulator or hand drill
- Storage in a robust case