DILO- SF6 Leak Detection
DILO Company, Inc- Maintenance Equipment for SF6 Switchgear
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The 2024 hurricane season is well underway and NOAA has predicted a more active storm season this year. Has your utility team prepared for hurricane season yet? If so, have you included SF6 management in your preparations? Read below to see how your team can best prepare for the hurricane season and how DILO can help. 

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SF6 Gas Purity Blog Post

Maintaining the integrity of electrical grids relies heavily on the performance of critical gases used for insulation and switching purposes. This article explores the importance of gas purity for SF6, C4 (fluoronitrile mixture), and CA(dry-air mixtures) for the electrical industry as well as applications for hydrogen, and noble gases. This article will outline methods for checking purity, best practices for maintaining gas quality, and the impact of adhering to regulatory standards. 

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High-Voltage Switchgear 101 Blog Post

What role does high-voltage switchgear play in electricity production and distribution? Read below to find out!

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Maintaining SF6 service equipment is an essential part of gas handling. This blog post covers the importance of maintenance in regards to SF6 measuring equipment. 

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DILO Roadmap to Maintenance

Maintaining SF6 service equipment is an essential part of gas handling. This blog post is all about putting aside the excuses and rediscovering the benefits of “planning your work and working your plan.” 


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A range of gases are utilized in manufacturing, production, distribution, and technology sectors - called industrial gases. These include oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, helium, and carbon dioxide, among others. Read more to learn about the procedures for detecting common industrial gas leaks in four steps.

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