DILO- SF6 Leak Detection
DILO Company, Inc- Maintenance Equipment for SF6 Switchgear
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SF6 Gas Alternatives Infographic

SF6, also known as sulfur hexafluoride, is a synthetic gas with many useful industrial applications. It is mainly used as an insulator for gas insulated equipment in the transmission and distribution of power industry. Some states in the U.S., including California, have proposed or adopted limits and phase-outs for SF6 emissions, with California mandating the phase-out of SF6 in gas-insulated switchgear equipment by 2025.

Alternatives to SF6 gas are gaining traction in the Electrical Industry. Why are SF6 alternatives becoming popular? What available options are there to replace SF6 gas? Can users keep the same switchgear when looking for a replacement? Read on to learn all this and more.

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SF6 Gas Purity Blog Post

Maintaining the integrity of electrical grids relies heavily on the performance of critical gases used for insulation and switching purposes. This article explores the importance of gas purity for SF6, C4 (fluoronitrile mixture), and CA(dry-air mixtures) for the electrical industry as well as applications for hydrogen, and noble gases. This article will outline methods for checking purity, best practices for maintaining gas quality, and the impact of adhering to regulatory standards. 

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3M’s recent ban on PFAS manufacturing has created a stir among those seeking SF6 gas alternatives. The decision stems from organizations like European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) imposing regulations on PFAS. Learn more about 3M and the ban on PFAS in this post.

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CARB and EPA Logo

As we slowly move towards alternatives for SF6 gas Insulated Equipment (GIE) applications, I am challenged to do my part to provide the best recommendations as an industry veteran who “grew-up” around the SF6 gas world. Read on to learn what the current SF6 regulations and SF6 legislation mean for businesses today and in the near future.

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