Presentation Spotlight: New Uses of SF6, Challenges Ahead and Updated Regulations
November 8th consisted of presentations by industry experts. This year’s presentations featured niche applications such as Dr. Hernandez-Garcia’s presentation “SF6 Use in High Voltage Electron Guns for Particle Accelerators”. SF6 is used as the insulating gas of the accelerator tank in particle accelerators. Particle accelerators use electric fields to propel beams of charged particles, such as protons or electrons, at extremely high speeds. Scientists study interactions between these particles to learn about amazing things like the origin of the universe.
Unique SF6 gas handling challenges were discussed by Guillaume Carriere in his presentation “SF6 Gas Applications on Cruises and Oil Platforms”. Have you ever been on a cruise ship? There's a good chance that ship had small power grid that contained SF6 gas. Did you know that if there is a breaker failure on a large ship, often the only way to bring in maintenance equipment is to cut a hole in the side of the vessel?
Industry leaders such as George Becker from Power Engineers and Todd Irwin from GE also presented on Alternatives to SF6 Gas. Dr. Stephanie Bogle from the US Environmental Protection Agency provided an update to federal regulations on SF6 gas and Alternatives to SF6. Other presentation topics included challenges and best practices of handling SF6 gas in the field.
Seminar Timeline: Two Days of Networking and Engaging Presentations
The first day of the Seminar concluded with a Welcome Dinner at the historic Columbia Restaurant in Ybor City. Attendees enjoyed networking and finally catching up with colleagues in-person alongside freshly rolled Cuban cigars, authentic Cuban cuisine, and a Flamenco dance show.

Despite Hurricane Nicole looming in the Gulf of Mexico, threatening to close the Tampa International Airport and derail travel plans, most attendees stayed for the popular hands-on break-out sessions on Day 2.

This year’s topics were Mixing of Alternative Gases, Alternative Gas Handling, Nameplate Verification, and DILO Certified Gas: Reconditioning, SF6 Gas Inventory and Cylinder Management. The hands-on sessions are always an attendee favorite, and this was the first year we featured Alternative Gas topics. These sessions were by far the most popular.

The 2022 SF6 Gas Management Seminar was a great success, it’s a good thing because it was the last one!
You Say Goodbye, I Say Hello: Insulating Gas Management Seminar
The Annual SF6 Gas Management Seminar has become a must-attend industry conference. As George Becker from Power Engineers said:
“The DILO [SF6] Gas Management … Seminar is the best way for users of gas insulated equipment to gain the necessary knowledge to operate and maintain their equipment at peak performance. This is "the" premier event for users of gas insulated equipment to learn and sharpen their knowledge and skills related to SF6 processing and handling, mixed gas processing and handling, strategies for implementation of new technologies and networking with colleagues and subject matter experts.”
Each year, as Alternative Gas topics took up more room on the agenda we realized we needed to change the focus of the Seminar to be more focused on new technologies entering the market. After several years of successful conferences, we decided to change the name and focus of the Seminar.

Globally, DILO has always been a trusted partner and leader in safe and responsible gas handling. Expanding the Seminar focus allows DILO Company to continue that legacy as users begin to explore alternatives to SF6 gas. As bittersweet as it was to host our last ever SF6 Gas Management Seminar, we are so excited for the Insulating Gas Management Seminar premiering in Clearwater Beach, FL on February 7-8, 2024.
Preparing for The Future: Alternative Gases and Handling Methods
Since SF6 gas will be around for decades to come, DILO will continue to focus a significant part of our training and seminar content on how to responsibly handle this gas. We understand the importance of responsibly utilizing this gas in electrical and transmission applications due to its high global warming potential. Well-informed and trained technicians can greatly impact the reduction and elimination of SF6 gas emissions, so SF6-focused presentations will always have a spot on the agenda at the Insulating Gas Management Seminar.

In addition to focusing on SF6 Gas handling, the Insulating Gas Management Seminar will include a wealth of information on handling Alternative Gases, research, and development of new alternatives, regulatory updates, and other related topics.
It is DILO’s mission to provide an interactive platform for leaders and experts to share best management practices, mandatory/voluntary reporting updates, challenges, and safe gas handling information while also focusing on other trends in the industry. DILO's premiere annual conference gives all stakeholders the opportunity to compare and share solutions that align with our ONE VISION. ZERO EMISSIONS. philosophy. We are so excited for the first ever Insulating Gas Management Seminar in 2024 and hope to see you all there!
Congratulations to the 2022 Award Recipients

At the 2022 Seminar, DILO implemented an Awards program to honor those in the industry who are going above and beyond in gas handling. These entities are increasing safety for their employees, reducing their carbon footprint, and reducing costs through increased efficiency. The three categories for 2022 were Training Excellence, Innovative Gas Handling, and ONE VISION. ZERO EMISSIONS.:
Training Excellence Award: Well-trained technicians have a significant impact on the reduction of SF6 emissions. Safe and responsible SF6 gas handling is of the upmost importance to protect those that work with the gas and the environment. The organization selected for this award has demonstrated an extraordinary effort in training their staff.
New York Power Authority invested in SF6 Safety and Handling training for 34 staff members in 2022. This impressive commitment to training staff members is sure to pay off in terms of safety, emissions reduction, and proper maintenance of equipment. DILO thanks you for your dedication to responsible SF6 gas handling and our environment.

Innovative Gas Handling Award: Many opportunities for reducing SF6 emissions exist, from exploring alternative technologies to creative solutions to solve SF6 gas handling issues that can lead to emissions. The organization selected for this award has shown ingenuity in alternative technologies or SF6 gas handling.
Florida Power & Light created a process for SF6 cylinder consolidation that has helped streamline SF6 gas handling for the entire organization while reducing the potential for SF6 emissions. This innovative procedure will save FPL time and money with reporting and inventory while also protecting the environment. DILO thanks you for your efforts.

ONE VISION. ZERO EMISSIONS. Award: The most prestigious of the three awards, ONE VISION. ZERO EMISSIONS. is an ode to our mission statement. This award is presented to an organization that has gone above and beyond industry standards and requirements and implemented new technology or processes that have a direct impact on emissions reduction.
PSEG executed an effective process for GIS leak detection. SF6 leaks in an indoor environment are an asphyxiation hazard as well as an environmental one. By investing in new equipment and creating a procedure to quickly pinpoint and eliminate any SF6 leaks, PSEG is demonstrating its commitment to their staff and the environment. DILO thanks you for your extraordinary efforts.

Congrats to the 2022 recipients! Do you have a recommendation on who should receive an award? We are accepting nominations for insulating gas handlers going above and beyond best practices for consideration of an award at the 2024 Insulating Gas Management Seminar.