Leak detection systems are mandatory only for high-voltage switchgear
Article 5 of the F-gas regulation (EU) 517/2014
According to article 5, all facilities commissioned after 1 January 2017 and containing F-gases in quantities of > 500 t CO2 equivalents (corresponds to approx. 22 kg SF6) must be equipped with a leak detection system which is to be checked for correct function at least every 6 years. MV facilities do normally contain considerably less SF6 and are therefore not subject to this obligation.
The testing obligation does not apply to electrical switchgear commissioned before 1 January 2017.
Pressure and density sensors with remote reporting function such as the widely applied density monitors with signal generator (switching contacts for threshold values) which can be tested with no or low emissions meet the requirements of a leak detection system as defined by the F-gas regulation.
The testing of density monitors can be carried out in two different ways: either in disassembled condition (disassembly of the density monitor must be emission-free by using self-closing couplings) or in assembled condition.
It is necessary to separate the density monitor to be tested from the gas compartment in order to guarantee testing without releasing the gas in the atmosphere. The separation can be realised by means of a fixture already integrated in the facility or by mounting the density monitor on a suitable density monitor coupling.
In the disassembled condition, the DensiControl DA density monitor test device provides for the simplest way to automatically test the density monitor. Thanks to the modular structure, the system can be adjusted to any type of density monitors.
By using the DensiControl IN density monitor test device, the functionality of the density monitor can be tested in the assembled condition in an emission-free manner.
Combined with a special lock valve, density monitors can be tested directly on the gas compartment or disassembled for an external test without having to release the gas. Customer-specific connection types are feasible on the facility.

Do you have questions? We would be pleased to be at your service with further information. Contact us at sales(at)dilo-gmbh.com or use our contact form.